Giving to God’s Kingdom surpasses all other investments.

When we contribute to His Kingdom, we sow seeds of faith, believing that He will yield a bountiful harvest. This harvest manifests as souls touched by the Good News, bringing light to the darkness and aiding the needy with tangible resources.

Your donation, regardless of its size, can sow seeds that flourish, blessing countless lives and multiplying in impact. 

Plus, the Lord promises to reciprocate this harvest in your own life. Proverbs 11:24 (MSG) captures this truth: “The world of the generous gets larger and larger.” A single act of generosity can have enduring effects, multiplying its influence.

At Worship In My City, fostering a culture of generosity is at our core.

    We understand that God’s blessings are meant to be poured out, and we are called to be channels of blessing to others. Our giving is inspired by the ultimate act of love and generosity: God offering His Son for us. 

    Recognizing this divine example, we invest our time, talents, and finances to express our faith, sowing seeds with the assurance that God will bring forth a harvest.

    By giving, we demonstrate our reliance on God as our ultimate provider, acknowledging Him as the source of all our resources. Releasing our grasp on our finances is an act of trust, as we believe God will replenish what we release into His Kingdom.

    This lifestyle of generosity isn’t just a practice for us; it’s the essence of how we believe God intended His Kingdom to operate. Resources flow in and pour out, embodying the continuous cycle of giving and receiving in God’s economy.

    Your gift matters.

    Your donation to Worship In My City fuels our mission to ignite hearts worldwide through worship, empower lives through discipleship, and cultivate purpose within a dynamic, Spirit-led community.

    By giving to Worship In My City, you will play a role in bringing:

    • Meaningful connection to those who are lonely
    • Hope for those who are in despair
    • Healing for the brokenhearted
    • Empowerment for individuals to discover their potential
    • Spiritual growth for those seeking a deeper relationship with God 

    Your donation will advance our mission to ignite a worldwide revival centered on Jesus, empowering individuals to discover their God-given potential and embark on a lifelong journey of spiritual growth. 

    We rely on the generous support of believers like you to bring about meaningful change in communities, providing essential assistance to those in need. 

    To further explore our beliefs and core values, click here.

    Join us in making a positive impact today!

    Choose Your Donation Type

    We’ve streamlined the process of giving to Worship in My City to ensure it’s straightforward, secure, and safe. 


      Make a One-Time Donation

      You can donate a single contribution to Worship in My City using a check, credit card, ACH transfer, cryptocurrency, or stocks.

      Make the checks payable to: 

      WIMC Global Ministries at 418 Broadway, STE N, Albany, NY 12207

        Become a Kingdom Builder

        If you’re eager to amplify your impact and unite with us in sharing the gospel, consider becoming a Partner–AKA, a Kingdom Builder

        Each day we receive testimonies of divine healing, reconciled relationships, supernatural provision, and numerous other blessings. 

        Individually, we can make a difference; but together, our impact multiplies exponentially!

          Give to Our Outreach

          At Worship in My City, we are dedicated to advancing God’s Kingdom by actively engaging in tangible community outreach initiatives. Together, we strive to make a meaningful impact in various outreach endeavors. 

          Your participation is invaluable! 

          If you’re interested in supporting our outreach efforts financially, find out more below.



            It’s equally important to manage our finances wisely as it is to give. We would love to help assist you in simplifying that process! 

            Explore the budgeting tools we recommend to help you become a responsible steward of your finances, enabling you to further contribute to the Kingdom of God.


            Why is it important to give into the Kingdom of God?

            As believers, it’s our responsibility to manage our finances wisely, serving as faithful stewards. 

            A primary aspect of this stewardship involves investing financially in God’s Kingdom. When we sow into His Kingdom with generosity, the impact transcends mere monetary value. While our financial seeds may be tangible, their harvest extends to winning souls for God’s Kingdom and spreading His light throughout the world. 

            Regardless of the size of our contributions, God can use them to instill hope, facilitate restoration, bring healing, and ultimately draw people closer to Him.

            Moreover, giving is an expression of our relationship with God—a way to demonstrate our love, devotion, faith, and trust in His provision. It serves as a tangible reflection of our priorities and values. 

            We rely on God’s promised provision when we contribute to His Kingdom, as described in 2 Corinthians 9:7–8: “You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. ‘For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.’ And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”

            In essence, giving to the Kingdom of God transforms lives. Here at Worship in My City, your contributions empower us to realize our vision of creating environments conducive to healing and freedom, both online and in person.

            How are my donations being used?

            Your donations play a vital role in advancing God’s Kingdom by supporting our mission of fostering healing and freedom in lives, both digitally and in person. 

            At Worship in Our City, we envision creating environments where individuals can experience complete restoration, spiritual growth, and meaningful connections.

            Your gifts help finance our worship gatherings, virtual Christian community, and dedicated volunteer and outreach efforts.

            Furthermore, your generosity extends beyond the WIMC community. 10% of every contribution WIMC receives is allocated to various ministries worldwide, reaching individuals through initiatives such as orphanages, food distribution programs, prison ministries, evangelistic efforts, and translating Bible teaching materials.

            Would my donation be a one-time contribution?

            You can make a single donation or set up a recurring gift.

            How can I become a partner?

            Becoming a partner is easy. For further details, please click here.

            What is Pushpay?

            Pushpay serves as our secure giving platform, enabling you to establish either a one-time donation or recurring contribution using your checking account, debit card, or credit card.

            How do I manage my Pushpay profile?

            Follow these instructions to manage your Pushpay profile.

            How can I create a recurring gift?

            The process of creating a recurring gift is simple.

            First, click here to create your recurring gift. Enter your giving amount, click the option that says “set up recurring,” then follow the Pushpay prompts.

            How can I edit my recurring gift or update payment details?

            To update your gift details–such as the total payment, payment information, or payment schedule–simply follow the instructions found in this article.

            How do I cancel a recurring gift?
            How do I view my giving statement?

            To view your giving statement, follow the steps laid out in this article.